- Fragmenti
- Prešernova ulica 14
14.8.2024 ob 20.30
Otvoritev festivala ter koncert skupine BIRLABIRLONGA / …odločno in razgibano, a vedno tudi sproščeno, skozi rock, reggae, funk, pop / 1h / prost vstop / Prizorišče: Pred Fragmenti *
17.8.2024 ob 10.00
ZAOBLJUBA REKI, avtorska glasbeno-gledališka predstava, Alja Bulič / 3+ / cca 35 min / prost vstop / Pried Fragmenti*
17.8.2024 ob 20.30
koncert, MOTOVILC / vokal, violina, kontrabas in…strgalo! / cca 40 min/ prost vstop / Prizorišče: Pred Fragmenti*
18.8.2024 ob 16.00
GOZDNA TERAPIJA OB KOKRI s Katarino Čuk / 1,5 h / Obvezne prijave info@fragmenti.si , omejeno / prost vstop / Sprejemamo prijave tudi za septembrski termin / Kanjon reke Kokre – zbirna točka Fragmenti
18.8.2024 ob 19.00
POTOK, elektronska ambientala v živo v izvedbi Tjuša Aljančiča / prost vstop/ Prizorišče: Pred Fragmenti*
FREGIJEVA KNJIŽNICA / Podrobnosti sledijo naknadno/ Prizorišče: Fragmenti *
19.9.2024 ob 17.00
predavanje in pogovor s Saro Aranel O KELTSKIH PRAZNOVANJIH IN OBREDIH in kako jih sama vključuje v svoje življenje / 1.5 h / vstop prost / Zaželena rezervacija brezplačnih kart preko info@fragmenti.si / Prizorišče: Fragmenti*
19.9.2024 ob 20.00
PLAVAJOČE PRIPOVEDI / Glasbeno-pripovedni ritual dveh kantavtoric: Ane Škreblin in Maje Gostič / cca 60 min / Vstop prost / Prizorišče: Fragmenti*
20.8.2024 ob 17.00
Ogled nagrajenega dokumentarnega filma ZGODBA SAVE / Zaželena rezervacija brezplačnih kart preko info@fragmenti.si / Prizorišče: Fragmenti*
21.8.2024 od 10.00 – 16.00
OBRED IZDELAVE ŠAMANSKEGA BOBNA IZ BIVOLJE KOŽE – z dlako ali brez. Vodi Padma po tradiciji rdeče poti- camino rojo/ plačljiva delavnica, prijave: info@fragmenti.si / 3-5 ljudi / Prizorišče: bo objavljeno naknadno *
21.8.2024 ob 19.00
VODA ŽIVLJENJA: BREZ TEBE NIČ, S TABO VSE / pevski krog s Padmo / Prizorišče: Ploščad nad Kokro*
22.8.2024 od 10.00 – 16.00
PO PUHARJEVIH STOPINJAH, javni prikaz starih fotografskih tehnik na ulici s fotografinjo in članico društva Janeza Puharja, Klavdijo Žitnik / vstop prost / Prizorišče: Pred Fragmenti*
22.8.2024 od 17.00 – 20.00
IZMENJEVALNICA UMETNIN / podrobnosti bodo objavljene naknadno /Prost vstop/ Prizorišče: Pred Fragmenti*
24.8.2024 ob 20.00
BALINČKI / koncert, mednarodna zasedba treh mladih in ambicioznih umetnikov: vokal, kitara, tuba, tolkala, trobenta.. in evfonij!! / Prost vstop / Prizorišče: Pred Fragmenti*
24.8.2024 cca ob 21.30, po koncertu:
DŽEM, prinesite inštrumente! Prizorišče: Fragmenti * / Prost vstop /Zaključek festivala ter druženje
*Fragmenti in Pred Fragmenti: Prešernova ulica 14, Kranj – ulica se za dogodek zapre
**Ploščad nad Kokro: do Poštne ulice in pod most na desno 🙂
Celoten program, ki bo tukaj vedno osvežen, najdete tukaj.
Vedno več dogodkov in knjig. Za prijavo na našo email listo nam pošljite sporočilo na: info@fragmenti.si
Parkirišča so ob vikendih in praznikih brezplačna. Najbližja parkirišča so Čebelica, Huje in Sejmišče. Od ponedeljka do petka med 7.00 in 19.00 je parkiranje prvih 2 uri brezplačno, nato pa 0,70 € na uro.
Program se bo še dopolnjeval. V primeru slabega vremena se vsi dogodki izvedejo v notranjosti Fragmentov
Prijava na naše novice in dogodke: info@fragmenti.si
Kako nam gre? Veseli bomo vašega odziva na Googlu tukaj: https://g.page/r/CS2cxnnz_uL2EAE/review
Join us for a small yet diverse festival this August, where we will celebrate creativity and culture, ancient practices and knowledge, and embrace summer through quality events. This is the inaugural edition of the festival, which is set to become an annual event, and this year, we are focusing on the special connection with the river, which is indeed the heart of our celebration.
All events are free of charge, though some require prior registration, and the drum-making workshop is a paid session with registration.
Join us at various venues in Kranj and be part of this vibrant celebration.
14.8.2024 at 8.30 pm
Opening of the festival and a concert BIRLABIRLONGA /
A dynamic and energetic yet always chill journey through rock, reggae, funk, and pop. / 1 hour / free entry / Venue: In front of Fragmenti*
17.8.2024 at 10 am
PLEDGE TO THE RIVER / Musical-theatrical original performance by Alja Bulič / from age 3 / 35 min / free entry / Venue: to be announced later *
17.8.2024 at 20.30
concert, MOTOVILC / vocals, violin, double bass and…washboard! / free entry / Venue: In front of Fragmenti*
18.8.2024 at 4 pm
FOREST THERAPY AT KOKRA CANYON with Katarina Čuk / 1.5 h / Advance registration required, limited spots available / Free entry / We are also accepting registrations for the September session / Kokra River Canyon – meeting point: Fragmenti*
18.8.2024 at 19.00
POTOK, Live ambient electronic music by Tjuš Aljančič / Venue: In front of Fragmenti*
FREGIJEVA LIBRARY FOR THE FULL MOON / Pred Fragmenti* / details to be announced later
19.8.2024 at 5 pm
Lecture and conversation with Sara Aranel about CELTIC RITUALS AND CELEBRATIONS and how she incorporates them into her life / 1.5 h / Free entry / Reservation of free tickets recommended via info@fragmenti.si / Venue: to be announced later*
19.8.2024 20.00 pm
FLOATING TALES / Musical-storytelling ritual by two singer-songwriters: Ana Škreblin and Maja Gostič / 60 min / Free entry / Venue: Fragmenti*
20.8.2024 at 5 pm
Screening of the award-winning documentary THE STORY OF THE SAVA / Reservation of free tickets recommended via info@fragmenti.si / Venue:Fragmenti*
21.8.2024 from 10.00 – 16.00
RITUAL OF MAKING A SHAMANIC DRUM FROM BUFFALO HIDE – with or without hair. Led by Padma following the tradition of the Red Path (camino rojo) / paid workshop, registration and information: info@fragmenti.si / 3-5 people / Venue: to be announced later*
21.8.2024 at 7 pm
WATER OF LIFE: WITHOUT YOU, THERE IS NOTHING; WITH YOU, EVERYTHING / singing circle with Padma / Venue: Platform above the Kokra River**
22.8.2024 from 10.00 – 16.00
IN PUHAR’S FOOTSTEPS, a public demonstration of old photographic techniques on the street with photographer and member of the Janez Puhar Society, Klavdija Žitnik / Free entry / Venue: In front of Fragmenti*
22.8.2024 from 17.00 – 20.00
ART EXCHANGE / details will be announced later – the program will always be updated via the QR code below
24.8.2024 at 20.00
BALINČKI / Concert featuring an international ensemble of three young and ambitious artists: vocals, guitar, tuba, percussion, trumpet, and euphonium!/ Free entry / Venue: In front of Fragmenti*
24.8.2024 from 21.00 – 22.00
JAM SESSION, bring your instruments! / Venue: In front of Fragmenti *
Prešernova Street 14, Kranj – The street will be closed for the event.
Plaza above the Kokra River – Go to Poštna Street and turn right under the bridge:)
Parking is free on weekends and public holidays. The nearest parking areas are Čebelica, Huje, and Sejmišče. From Monday to Friday between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM, the first 2 hours are free, and then it costs €0.70 per hour.
The program will be continuously updated with additional events. In case of bad weather, all events will take place inside the Fragmenti
Organizator: Fragmenti, info@fragmenti.si/041532349/Prešernova ulica 14, Kranj
Povzeto po visitkranj.com